Wednesday, April 16, 2014

PA system gone

So, yesterday I finally sold my PA system on Craigslist for the same exact price I bought it for about 6 years ago: $200.  During that 6 years, I had many great memories with this mixer and set of speakers.

I originally bought it from Craigslist from some guy in Provo that had been storing it in his garage, so we could actually hear the vocals as my band, By The Exit, had practices.  My first memories of the system date back to our days in the Sinclair Mansion in the summer of 2008.  I don't know if any pictures of these times exist, but it was a magical summer.  We lived on 800 North, right across from the Sinclair gas station (pretty close to J-dawgs and south side of BYU campus).  3/4 of the band lived in the house: Me, Jordan Rasmussen, and Mika Parmley.  We also lived with our good friend, Dan Barlow.  Lars Shurilla was already married by this time, but he was an essential part of By The Exit as well.  We set up the drums, guitar amps, and PA system in Mika and Jordan's room in the basement.  We had a black light, along with laundry detergent to write our band name and other things on the wall.

One thing I do recall that summer is not having any air conditioning, so we spent a lot of time on the porch or in the front yard.  We would bring out the couches, TV, and hook up the DVD player to the PA system and watch movies and Planet Earth on the front lawn.  Whoever was walking by on the street was welcome to stop by and chat or watch the movie with us.  I also remember one particular day that we had a shirtless black-light jam session in the basement.  When Mika took his shirt off, we knew it was a magical moment.  Mikachu!!

Each of us used to fill a gallon milk jugs of water and stick it in the fridge.  We would just chug them when we got too hot.  That was our AC system.  Also, it was much hotter upstairs, so Dan ended up sleeping on the floor of my bedroom in the basement halfway through the summer.

The PA system has been used as the primary sound system for approximately 6 weddings, including my own.  I wrote and played a song for my wife at our wedding reception on this system.  Lots of fun dancing and music was provided through these speakers.  It was used for acoustic house parties and many church functions.  I will miss it, but I'm not too attached to objects and I know I can always buy a much nicer system someday.

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