Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Year's Day Hike

I think we should make this our new tradition.  It's a great way to start off the new year and shake off some of the gluttony of the holidays.

Here's the start of Two Trees Trail which goes up and over that mountain behind me

The walking route we took via Google Maps.  It's all uphill until we got to about where that white rectangle is pointing.
The hills do get green for about 2-3 months of the year.

Looking down on Riverside.  Our little house is somewhere in there.

Strolling into Mordor Valley

We met some friendly NEIGHborhood horses

Arrived at our destination about 3 hours after departure.
Now, we have done our practice run for the apocalypse when we need to escape Riverside for the "safety" of Moreno Valley.  We had fun, but luckily we hitched a ride home instead of walking back in the dark.

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